2 cups flour
1/4 cup sugar
3 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1/2 cup butter
1/4 cup cream
4 T lime juice
zest of 2 limes
1 cup sweetened shaved coconut
1/2 teaspoon coconut emulsion (or coconut extract)
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 eggs
Mix together flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Add cream, lime juice, zest and extracts along with eggs and coconut Mix until blended. Knead on a floured surface, cut with cookie cutter to desired shape.Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes until golden brown.
Coconut Icing
Mix 2 cups powdered sugar with two tablespoons water along with 1/2 teaspoon coconut emulsion (or coconut extract)
I used a drop of electric green and avocado green Americolor food coloring.
I placed the icing in a bowl and dipped the top of the scones in the icing and allowed the remaining icing to drip off before turning them right side up. Be sure the consistency of the icing is not too thick or thin, check it by dipping a spoon into the icing and see if it stays in a thick layer or runs completely off the back of the spoon, once it sticks nicely you’ll know you have the right consistency.
the combination of these two colors made the prettiest green color.
the lightly browned scones gave the coconut that delicious toasted coconut taste.
Mescolare insieme la farina, lo zucchero, il lievito e il sale. Tagliate il burro fino a quando miscela simile a briciole di massima. Aggiungere la panna, succo di lime, la scorza ed estratti con uova e Mix di cocco fino blended. Impastate su un piano infarinato, tagliate con cookie cutter per shape.Bake desiderato a 400 ° per 15 minuti fino a doratura.
2 cups flour
1/4 cup sugar
3 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1/2 cup butter
1/4 cup cream
4 T lime juice
zest of 2 limes
1 cup sweetened shaved coconut
1/2 teaspoon coconut emulsion (or coconut extract)
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 eggs
Mix together flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Add cream, lime juice, zest and extracts along with eggs and coconut Mix until blended. Knead on a floured surface, cut with cookie cutter to desired shape.Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes until golden brown.
Coconut Icing
Mix 2 cups powdered sugar with two tablespoons water along with 1/2 teaspoon coconut emulsion (or coconut extract)
I used a drop of electric green and avocado green Americolor food coloring.
I placed the icing in a bowl and dipped the top of the scones in the icing and allowed the remaining icing to drip off before turning them right side up. Be sure the consistency of the icing is not too thick or thin, check it by dipping a spoon into the icing and see if it stays in a thick layer or runs completely off the back of the spoon, once it sticks nicely you’ll know you have the right consistency.
the combination of these two colors made the prettiest green color.
the lightly browned scones gave the coconut that delicious toasted coconut taste.
Biscotti Lime e Cocco
2 tazze di farina
1/4 tazza di zucchero
3 cucchiaini di lievito in polvere
1 cucchiaino di sale
1/2 tazza di burro
1/4 tazza panna
4 T di succo di lime
scorza di 2 lime
1 tazza di cocco zuccherato rasato
1/2 cucchiaino di noce di cocco emulsione (o estratto di noce di cocco)
1 cucchiaino di estratto di vaniglia
2 uova
Coconut Glassa
Mescolare 2 tazze di zucchero a velo con due cucchiai di acqua insieme con 1/2 cucchiaino di emulsione di cocco (o estratto di noce di cocco)
Ho usato una goccia di verde elettrico e avocado verde colorante alimentare Americolor.
Ho messo la glassa in una ciotola e immerso la parte superiore delle focaccine del velo e ha permesso la glassa rimanente sgocciolare prima di procedere nel verso giusto. Assicurarsi che la consistenza della glassa non sia troppo spessa o sottile, verificare immergendo un cucchiaio nella glassa e vedere se rimane in uno strato spesso o si scarica completamente dal retro del cucchiaio, una volta che si attacca ben saprete si ha la giusta consistenza.
la combinazione di questi due colori fatto la bella colore verde.
gli scones leggermente dorato ha dato il cocco tostato quel delizioso taste cocco.
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