Scallops are cooked when the outside is golden brown and the centre is just going from translucent to opaque. Any longer than 2 minutes on each side and they’ll go tough, so it’s essential you stand over them and remember the order you put them in the pan. The simple salad goes equally well with crab or lobster.
Ingredients serves 2
Olive oil, for frying
6 large scallops, cleaned
Juice of 1/2 lemon
For the salad:
1 sharp apple, eg Granny Smith
2 handfuls of lamb's lettuce
Juice and zest of 1/2 lemon
Olive oil
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
First make the salad. Peel, core and cut the apple into julienne strips. Mix with the lamb’s lettuce and season with salt and pepper. Add some of the lemon zest (keeping a little back to garnish) and squeeze over the juice. Drizzle the salad with olive oil and mix well.
Heat a large non-stick frying pan over a high heat until smoking hot, then add 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Lay the scallops out on a board, pat dry with kitchen paper and season one side with salt and pepper.
Think of the frying pan as a clock face and add the scallops, one by one, seasoned side down, in a clockwise order, then fry for 1-2 minutes until golden brown. Season the unseasoned side of the scallops, then flip them over in the same order you placed them in the pan and repeat the process. Squeeze the lemon juice over the scallops and give the pan a good shake.
When the scallops are cooked, tip the contents of the pan onto a plate lined with kitchen paper. This will instantly stop the cooking process, while the kitchen paper will absorb any excess oil.
Divide the salad between 2 serving plates and arrange the scallops around each pile. Garnish with the remaining lemon zest and serve immediately.
Ingredients serves 2
Olive oil, for frying
6 large scallops, cleaned
Juice of 1/2 lemon
For the salad:
1 sharp apple, eg Granny Smith
2 handfuls of lamb's lettuce
Juice and zest of 1/2 lemon
Olive oil
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
First make the salad. Peel, core and cut the apple into julienne strips. Mix with the lamb’s lettuce and season with salt and pepper. Add some of the lemon zest (keeping a little back to garnish) and squeeze over the juice. Drizzle the salad with olive oil and mix well.
Heat a large non-stick frying pan over a high heat until smoking hot, then add 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Lay the scallops out on a board, pat dry with kitchen paper and season one side with salt and pepper.
Think of the frying pan as a clock face and add the scallops, one by one, seasoned side down, in a clockwise order, then fry for 1-2 minutes until golden brown. Season the unseasoned side of the scallops, then flip them over in the same order you placed them in the pan and repeat the process. Squeeze the lemon juice over the scallops and give the pan a good shake.
When the scallops are cooked, tip the contents of the pan onto a plate lined with kitchen paper. This will instantly stop the cooking process, while the kitchen paper will absorb any excess oil.
Divide the salad between 2 serving plates and arrange the scallops around each pile. Garnish with the remaining lemon zest and serve immediately.
Capesante Fritte in padella
Capesante sono cotte quando l'esterno è marrone dorato e il centro deve andare solo da traslucido a opaco. Più di 2 minuti per ogni lato e diventeranno dure, quindi è essenziale che le controllate e ricordare l'ordine in cui le avete messe padella. L'insalata semplice va altrettanto bene con granchio o aragosta.
Ingredienti per due
Olio d'oliva, per friggere
6 grandi capesante, pulite
Succo di 1/2 limone
Per l'insalata:
1 mela brusca, ad esempio Granny Smith
2 manciate di valerianella
Succo e scorza di 1/2 limone
olio d'oliva
Sale marino e pepe nero appena macinato
Per prima cosa l'insalata. Pelare, togliere il torsolo e tagliare la mela a julienne. Mescolare con la valerianella e condire con sale e pepe. Aggiungete un po 'di scorza di limone (tenere un po' indietro per guarnire) e spremere il succo. Irrorare l'insalata con olio d'oliva e mescolare bene.
Scaldare una grande padella antiaderente per friggere a fuoco vivace fino a quando esce fumo caldo, quindi aggiungere 1 cucchiaio di olio d'oliva. Disporre le capesante su un bordo, asciugare con carta da cucina e condire un lato con sale e pepe.
Pensate alla padella come un orologio e aggiungere le capesante, uno per uno, il lato condito verso il basso, in senso orario, quindi soffriggere per 1-2 minuti fino a doratura. Condire l'altro lato delle capesante, poi capovolgere nello stesso ordine che li ha posti in padella e ripetere il processo. Spremere il succo di limone sopra le capesante e dare la padella una buona scossa.
Quando le capesante sono cotte, mettere il contenuto della padella su una placca foderata con carta da cucina. Questo sarà immediatamente per interrompere il processo di cottura, mentre la carta da cucina assorbirà l'olio in eccesso.
Dividere l'insalata tra 2 piatti da portata e disporre le capesante attorno ad ogni pila. Guarnire con la scorza di limone rimasto e servire subito.
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